Weeehuuu! I am so happy, very happy and beyond happy. Today i went to Imkeda, Cheras to take my driving JPJ test Exam. So, I was sitting and watching people went out to the car smiling and happy and of course i was so afraid and scared of falling again. Then, After a while i was sitting and waiting for my turn to and then after the Chinese girl It was my turned for me to drove. My hands were shacking my legs are also shacking and the JPJ Guy he was talked to me and said that no need to feel afraid and blablabla and i was i like *ehem okay*. I drove the car and then i reached to the Imkeda and i saw my marks are 17 and above and i was like *YEAYYY!* and so I passed the JPJ Test. Thank God, that i passed my test and today was the most happiest day of my life. Im happy, my dads happy, My mums happy, My cats happy. So everybody's happy. Heeeeeeeee ♥♥

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