There she is, her name is Nurul Fatinah Mustafa known as "Tiena" . We've been friends since we're in primary school : standard 1 . We have soooo much fun together and we've been through ups and downs together . There are time she annoyed me and there are times she make me happy . Shes like a sister to me, and twins though . I thank to god, that i have a chubby fatty annoying friend like her . I do apprecaite of what i have and found . I do love you, gemok :) . Well the best part is, I didnt get a chance to meet her for one fucking last long time and i didn't get a chance to followed her to go to K L I A . DAMN IT! grrrr ;( . Well, my friend did said to me; "its not like she never come back". Wanna know the ugly fugly truth ? Haha, i wished that her flight are in seriously DELAYED and her bag ended up in IRAQ HAHA :D, kinda mean huh ? HAHAHA, :D xoxo <33